Sunday 4 September 2016

Gavin Ashenden

A divorcee clergyman who is on his second marriage, has not been reprimanded or dealt with either for his open harm to me in the press and media or his repeat and ongoing attacks on various vulnerable groups, most notably his homophobic attacks which he rather incredibly tries to use Christianity as an excuse for.
It is horrifying, just as it was with my case, that the press and media uphold this without question, but less surprising that the Church of England turn their embarrassed backs and do nothing, because they have no power to discipline clergy in Jersey or France.
God didn't condemn gay people, he did condemn divorce, and for so long the Church have twisted the Bible and Christianity to suit themselves, and it has got to blatant.
Is there ever going to be an overhaul of the archaic Church, and a system of accountability and discipline put in place?