Monday 5 May 2014

Could you all contact the Archbishop and appeal for this murderous charade to stop - to save my life.

An email to the Bishop of Winchester and The Archbishop of Canterbury:

Tim Dakin and Bob Key between them have wasted more than half a million and left an abuse survivor ruined.

Archbishop Welby thinks Bishop Dakin is great, and that Bob Key is someone to have faith in.

Archbishop stands by his 'apology' to me, even though he never apologized to me and is wrecking my already wrecked life and is doing and has done nothing to help me.

Church of England classic!

You, the Church of England, are killing me in a very slow and horrible way by causing repeated collapses.
You are a dreadful, deceitful and very very evil and unchristian organization, and your press releases are nothing to do with Christ, how can lies and cover-ups that are killing someone slowly and extremely horribly be Christian?

Today I had a collapse as a result of the rubbish spewed by Welby on BBC Jersey,
so why does he stand by an apology that never happened and why is my legacy to be a thousand despairing screams of help to people who's vain waffle about caring does not match the reality of the harm that is being done to me?
Why does Welby stand by an apology he never gave and at the same time condone the man who did the harm? Makes sense? No, like the rest of this horrific mess and most of the CofE press releases ever.
The CofE needs a new press co-ordinator, they have not made sense throughout this awful murderous, sick and twisted charade.

In all seriousness, I am likely to die if this kind of stress continues to cause nervous collapses, tachycardia and high blood pressure.


Just to add, it is very interesting to hear that it was the Bishop's staff who pushed for the channel islands to be moved to Canterbury, for Bishop's staff, read 'Jane Fisher'.


The End

Well it looks like despite everything I have done to plead with the CofE and the police, the CofE are about to publicly and finally destroy me for the wrongdoers in Jersey,
there is no way I can withstand any further harm, I am tired and ill and have done my very best but I can't build a life strong enough to survive them.

Sunday 4 May 2014

Shriek with laughter at Tony's blog

Boat Show

I loved the Jersey Boat show, loved going out on the boats and looking at the different stalls and activities, loved helping out, as I did in the last year.
Thankfully the churchwarden didn't have time for the boatshow, or when he did, it was so crowded that I could avoid him.

I remember seeing his son and daughter-in-law there, with the poor forgotten toddler on the end of her reins while her parents were busy talking to people, that child had a bigger party for her first or second birthday than I ever had for any Birthday and yet, she always came across as forgotten to me, I remember her crawling around the living room when the church warden was paying attention only to me, and the toddler climbed up on the sofa with us, and still the churchwarden was more interested in me than his grand daughter, who he virtually ignored, I didn't, I gave her a cuddle, poor little mite.
I remember the daughter in law talking about how the toddler had had a cold and was cranky 'just' when she (the daughter in law) really needed company.
I was astounded, a child isn't a substitute for a friend!
The way she said it, she was making the child into a substitute for friends.
Oh, I worry for that little child, her grandad is not an honest man and the child always seemed forgotten apart from the grandmother who really fawned over the child.
Jersey is not a very healthy place to grow up in anyway.

Anyway, back to the boat show, oh it was lovely, the boats, the trips out on the bay, the atmosphere, my sailing people all there, and helping out.

The bad bit of course, was the Dean strutting about, the pomp and circumstances that is supposedly to do with God but is not anywhere in Jesus' teachings.
The Dean who rubbished an abuse victim in favour of the abuser, and encouraged and facilitated smears against the victim and yet who has been upheld by the Church of England, showing eternally that they are not a Christian church, but are about who has the money and the power.

Here I am, not exactly wishing I was at the boat show, because I would rather be here, but I cannot sail because of my injuries, if I progress, I may sail again next year, if I don't progress, I wont sail again.

Anything and everything

I wrote this on the day to day blog, but I thought it would be relevant on here.

Good morning,

Well I slept and I dreamed that Fisher had me flung in prison again, Stuart Syvret was in the prison and we were resigned to the fact that the wrongdoers would keep putting us away rather than taking responsibility for themselves.
I woke up into flashbacks of Fisher's malice and deceit, especially in Sussex, not good, the cold horror of it, and the fact she would happily wipe out my new life, put me away and do a report like Korris that pretends it is all someone else and violate me bysending some airheaded idiot of a chaplain to violate me when I ask for a real chaplain like I did in LaMoye, where I specifically asked for a Mathodist or Catholic Chaplain and instead, Fisher was able to override that and send some airhead CofE idiot who SHE wanted to see me. How absolutely sick.

I can never really recover from Fisher, and she is free to continue to violate and injure me despite my complaints.


Someone asked again recently if the diocese were in any way involved in housing me!
The violations and interferences and slanders of me by Jane Fisher and Michael Scott-Joynt led to me being long term homeless and on the run because they kept setting the police on me in response to my response to their violations and interferences.
It still sickens me, it was like being raped when they kept violating me.
If the diocese were in any way involved in my life, I would flee.
I still feel at risk from them and my life is limited by that, I am a refugee.
Why would I ever let my destroyers be involved when they have the power to turn a whole community against me, as they did? I remain anguished and psychologically injured by that.

What can I say? I think this is directed at Catholics but the CofE with their pretence of care while still covering up...

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Saturday 3 May 2014

Random extract from the homeless blog

his way of resolving things, despite his own Asperger's Syndrome, is to talk, or even shout, the church have gagged me and left me with years of damage and emotions trapped inside me, things I haven't even been able to write in this blog yet, and no words will come, I have never been good at verbally expressing myself and now I am even less able to.

Good things about the Church of England

  1. The Church of England is dying out and more people are questioning it -I will get blared at by the old dears for this comment.
  2. There is a good book actually written by Anglicans. It is a bit heavy weather and involved (stuffy) because it is written by Anglicans, but nonetheless, someone needed to write it. It is called 'An Inclusive God'.

Thursday 1 May 2014

The good things about the Church of England

Good evening,
Well I have been thinking about the good things about the CofE.

But first a random 'Anything and Everything'.
Is this song funny, offensive or reality?
It reminds me of the diocese of Winchester trying to have me put away as mad.
But it also still amuses and saddens me.

I thought of two goods for the Cof|E.
One is that they do run and organize social events, and this keeps at least some of the lonely old dears entertained and ensures that they aren't isolated, which is good.

The other good thing, which was buried deep in my memory, was actually something JM said.

There was a homosexual couple in one of her churches, one of them was the organist and the other was in the choir. JM always had a soft spot for gay men, and was fond of them, and she said to me that no matter how people ranted about homosexuality being a sin, it was far from the worst sin around, and we are all sinners.
Ok, I do not like to get involved in the debate, but a good non-judgemental attitude is not only refreshing, but a good example, and her words touched me.
JM could be very narrow, judgemental and condemning in other areas, and she certainly was about me when the diocese heard about her husband abusing me when JM involved herself on the side of the abuser in Jersey, she was damning of me and my side of what I had been through because of her unprofessionalism and her husband's abuse of me, was never heard, but nonetheless despite all that, I remember her words about the homosexual couple.