Saturday 9 November 2013

Strange Practices

Back on the subject of how Jersey is not an honest squeaky clean place where 'bad people' are deported.
They tend to jail people who speak up.
They tend to ruin people who speak up.
They tend to lie a bit about the real circumstances of cases.
Who are 'They'? A little clique of Judicial/political figures.

And a Jersey Vicar said to me that he has thrown Ian Lemarquand against a wall and asked him about 'Those boys in LaMoye who shouldn't be there', the same Vicar who told me that 'In Jersey, you keep your enemies close and know what they are doing'. At the time I still didn't fully understand what he meant, but he was saying he knew how bad the system was.

So, Jersey, where I was also told about Satanic or black magic rituals taking place in a church. Where a priest and his wife also claimed that there were 'Satanists in Jersey praying for the breakup of clergy marriages', which was copied directly from a boog which reads 'There are Satanists in the USA, praying for the breakup of clergy marriages', why would a Satanist do that?

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